I forgot my AmberCloud account password, how can I reset it?
To reset your AmberCloud account password, please click here or by going to https://myamber.cloud/#ln/index and clicking on "Forgot Password".
To update your password, please follow this article: https://support.myamberlife.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040916992-How-to-change-my-AmberCloud-account-password
Please check your email Inbox or SPAM folder from "Team Amber" and follow instruction for password reset.
Note: that this is different than the local account on your AmberPRO. If you are unable to login to your AmberPRO and need to reset the admin account, please visit this article: https://support.myamberlife.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022024471-How-to-Reset-the-Admin-Account-Password