How do I setup Amber X using a PC/MAC?
1. First Connect your Amber X to your router and computer as shown in the below picture
2. You will need to access your Amber. Use one of the following URLs. Click Connect.
- https://latticenode.local
- https://latticenode/app/default/webappfinder/#welcome
- https://latticenode.local/app/default/webappfinder/#welcome
Note: If you see a screen that says Processing, please refresh the page after a minute.
3. Please read and agree to LW Privacy Policy to continue.
4. Select your Time Zone
5. Let’s get your Amber X a new name so it can be found on your network.
6. Choose if you want to encrypt your data or not. (Note: You may choose to encrypt your data later)
7. Create your new Amber Cloud account email that will be used moving forward as your login credentials for Latticework product
Note: Your Amber X will begin to update the OS. Please wait 7-10 minutes for this process to complete.
6. Congratulations! You have set up your Amber X. Your Amber will automatically redirect you to the Amber X OS Login after setup has been complete.
7. To login to your Amber X OS, please use your newly created AmberCloud credentials.