How do I add Parental Control to my Wi-Fi?
1. Login to Amber Router by going to latticerouter.local in your web browser or from Amber OS. The default password is admin1234. Once you are logged in, go to Parental Control under Network on the left. Turn on Access Control and click Add.
2. In the Item Editor, enter:
- Device Name - enter a name for the device you want to grant or block Wi-Fi access.
- MAC Address - enter the MAC address of the device.
- Policy - choose either to grant or block Wi-Fi access during specified time.
- Start Time - enter the time in military format you want to start this policy. (Ex. 3:00PM enter 15:00).
- End Time - enter the time in military format you want to end this policy. (Ex. 6:00PM enter 18:00).
Click OK.
3. Make sure the device policy is enabled and click Apply.