How can I upload files on my iPhone to my Amber X
Note: Please note this no longer works on firmware version 1.8.X or later
You will need to add Amber X via SMB in Files app as a server destination.
Open your Files app and connect to a server by tapping on Options > Connect to Server.
Insert the appropriate path for the server. In this example, we are going to reuse the address
Note: Your Amber X IP address will also work, as well.
Input your AmberCloud credentials. Tap on Registered User. In this case, we are using the admin account. Input password then hit Next.
Your Amber X will be available to save while in your network.
To upload files to Amber from your device, Share them via iOS and choose to Save to Files.
Choose your desired location on Amber X.
Note: If your Amber X name has spaces, you may need to replace the spaces with hyphens (-).
You may have to add .local to the end of your Amber X's name if it could not connect initially (i.e. my-amber-x.local).
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