Uploaded files to AmberX and then shared. Now files are missing on the device
I uploaded photos from my recent vacation to AmberX from the windows desktop app. Once it was on the device I created a share for others to view. Now, I don't see the folders on the device. I can still access the photo folders via my https://myamber.cloud/#ln/sharelink?key= link.
Does any one know how the AmberX share works? I thought it was a reverse proxy and the files remain on the device. But, this doesn't seem to be the case here.
Also, i am trying to download these files back from the sharelink to my local device and it is really slow (like dialup slow). Any ideas how I can get it downloaded faster. There doesn't seem to be a way to download from/directly to the device.
Hello Roshan,
Looks like we have an open ticket with you for this issue, You can find additional info we have sent to you regarding this process. I will provide an answer here as well.
It would seem that you are having trouble locating your shared files. You can find them at the location, "outgoing shares" under the "my amber" tab on the Amber iX desktop app. I have included an image of this below.
Let us know if you have any additional info via our contact us page. https://support.myamberlife.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035446512-Contact-Customer-Support
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