Installing OpenVINO
This is OpenVINO Toolkit for Ubuntu Linux with sshd enabled.
No Web URL. But you can ssh to it. Service port is 9022.
Setup Steps
- Enter your password on install. Username is openvino
2. After installation, you can use ssh client to connect to it.
Here is an example of linux ssh client. Username is openvino.
Here is an example of PuTTY configuration.
3. Then you can test running samples.
Example of CPU.
"cd ~ && omz_downloader --name googlenet-v1 --precisions FP16 && omz_converter --name googlenet-v1 --precision FP16 && curl -O && python3 /opt/intel/openvino/samples/python/hello_classification/ public/googlenet-v1/FP16/googlenet-v1.xml car_1.bmp CPU"
Enter Y to continue.
The results.
Your program files will be located at AmberPRO/OpenVINO/home/openvino
This app support Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2 by default.
You can get more information from openvino official website.
OpenVINO Official site -
Please note that this is an external site and not affiliated with Amber PRO Tools.