Installing Surfshark VPN
App with OpenVPN client preconfigured for SurfShark VPN.
AmberAnywhere Settings
This app doesn’t support AmberAnywhere.
Setup Steps
1. Install Surfshark VPN app
Surfshark VPN username and password are provided at the bottom of this page:
Install Surfshark VPN app and fill in the Surfshark username and password.
Wait for Surfshark to connect.
Select Surfshark and click Log.
You will see the Initialization Sequence Completed in the latest log if VPN is connected correctly.
2. Install an app that you want to use SurfShark VPN network.
EX: install rutorrent.
Wait for rutorrent to run. You can check the log. Rutorrent is running when you see [services.d] done.
Stop and edit rutorrent.
Remember the port mapping of rutorrent.
Delete all port mappings and Add.
Stop and edit Surfshark.
Enter the rutorrent port mapping here and Add.
Stop and edit rutorrent again. Change the network to network_mode: 'container:surfshark_surfshark_1'
Setup local network route rule.
Select Surfshark and click Web Console.
Select Exec mode and click sh. Then Confirm.
Enter route -n to check the Gateway of eth0 network. In this example, it is
Add a route rule for local LAN. Here is an example that the local LAN network is
Check the route rule is added.
Then you can connect to rutorrent web.
You can start downloading torrent using Surfshark VPN network now.
3. Change VPN server.
Stop surfshark and rutorrent.
Edit Surfshark.
Select Environment variables. Change the SHUFSHARK_COUNTRY and SHUFSHARK_CITY. Here is an example to use Japan Tokyo VPN server. Then Add.
Edit rutorrent.
Just click Add.
Check VPN is connected and rutorrent is running.
Add route rule for local LAN.
Then you can use the new VPN network in rutorrent.