Installing NodeRED (Home Assistant add-on)
Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online
services in new and interesting ways.
AmberAnywhere Settings
This APP doesn’t need to enable AmberAnywhere.
Setup Steps
1. Add panel in configuration.yaml.
Example: url is http://your_amber_ip:1881
panel_iframe: nodered: title: 'NodeRed' url: '' icon: mdi:source-branch-sync |
Select Configuration Settings
Restart Home Assistant.
Then, you can see NodeRed in the menu.
2. Generate API token of Home Assistant.
Select admin → CREATE TOKEN
Enter a name.
Copy this token and store it.
3. Access Home Assistant in NodeRed.
Here is an example:
Add an events: state node.
Double-click it.
Add a new server.
Enter your Home Assistant URL and your token here.
Click Done.
Click Deploy.
Double-click it again. Enter a Name and select your Entity.
Click Deploy.
Then, you can see the sensor status.
NodeRED Home assistant forum -
Please note that this is an external site and not affiliated with Amber PRO Tools.