Installing Lychee
Note: Please allow the container a few minutes after installing to refresh the web interface/IP address to resolve.
- Login to Amber OS.
- Go to PRO Tools -> App Store and select Lychee. Click Install.
- Once Lychee is installed, go to Container Apps. Next, select Lychee -> lychee_app_1 -> private URL to access Lychee. Web URL for accessing Lychee - http://device_ip:21180.
- Setup username and password.
- Upload your photos to the media folder(/Photos/AmberPRO) and then import photos from the server.
You don't need to change the path, because /Photos/AmberPRO is mounted to this path.
- Wait for the import to finish.
When it is finished, click CLOSE.
- Your photos can be viewed and managed.
Please view the documentation for Lychee here:
Note: this is a third-party, external site not affiliated with PRO Tools.