Installing Kodi
Kodi is a free and open-source media player application developed by the Kodi Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium.
1. Connect AmberPRO to a TV/monitor via HDMI and connect a mouse via USB. In Amber OS, go to PRO Tools → APP Store → Install Kodi.
2. Enable remote control via HTTP
Click Settings.
Click on Services.
Select Control.
Click to enable Allow remote control from applications on another system.
Click Yes.
Change Port to 8085
Setup your password.
Click to Enable Allow remote control via HTTP.
Click Yes. Done.
3. Remote control from web browser.
Connect to http://your_device:8085 and enter your username/password.
Then you can remote control Kodi.
4. Remote control from kore.
Search Kore and install it.
Tap Open.
Click Next.
You may not be able to find any media center. Tap Next.
Input server IP, port, username, and password. Tap Test.
Then tap Finish.
Tap on the dropdown menu and select Remote.
Then you can remote control your Kodi.